Talar Members, I wanted to take the time to personally share some information just sent to me from the Senior Director of Enterprise Solutions, at Intalere. We have been in close contact with all the powers to be, to make sure our membership gets notified as soon as Marcaine and Lidocaine become readily available. We know this has been a challenging time for some of you and our goal here at Talar Medical is to bring solutions to your practice in many different capacities. Please, see the information Byron provided below and to ensure that you are one of the first to have these products shipped to your office at a discount, please make sure that you have signed both your Intalere LOP and the LOP connecting you to the Medline contract.
Hi Jeff, I wanted to follow up on your request about Lidocaine and Marcaine. Our pharmacy specialist has been told that AuroMedics and Pfizer show product being available late May/June. It sounds like it should get better for these two manufactures. Please let me know if you would like further information. Thanks, Byron
Here is the link to sign the Intalere LOP https://www.talarmedical.com/join-talar-intalere-form and I am attaching the Intalere Pharmacy Program Primary GPO Declaration and Own Use Form https://gallery.mailchimp.com/573c26c473c288bad5f0585a8/files/a5e325a3-e18c-4265-97fa-87c94dede6f9/Pharmacy_Declaration_and_Own_Use_Intalere.pdffor your convenience. Please call our office at 401.424.1827 if you need assistance or contact your local Medline representative. Warmest Regards, Jeff DeSantis, DPM